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My Dogs
PH Standard
Adult Dogs Available
Rainbow Bridge
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Friend's Pharaohs

  My Dogs

      Here are my Pharaoh hounds (Click on a dog's name to visit their individual page)

  • Phlirt - UKC-Ch, CKC-Ch, AKC DC Sunwinds Sovrin Scheherazade SC RN JOR ORC GRC ORM HIC ROMX VC FCh CGC (CHIC)

  • Phoenix - Multi-BIF, UKC-Ch & AKC DC CharmedWons Born to Phly MC FCh SGRC RN JOR HIC CGC VC (CHIC)

  • Phaith - UKC-Ch & AKC Ch CharmedWons Blessed B (CHIC)

  • Phoebe - UKC-Ch & AKC DC CharmedWons Twice Blessed SC HIC (CHIC)

  • Phuture - UKC-Ch & AKC Ch CharmedWons Que-Sera-Sera SC GRC ORT (CHIC)

  • Phreedom - CharmedWons Spirit of America (major pointed)

  • Phillip - UKC-Reserve BIS, UKC-Ch, AKC Puppy Group Winning & AKC Ch CharmedWons Stars N Stripes Forever (CHIC*)

  • Phocus - CharmedWons Look To The Phuture (pointed)


      *awaiting OFA.


     Pharaoh Hounds that I bred and co-own


         Litter 1 (Aug 25, 2005)

  • Phaie - AKC Ch CharmedWons CR Beauty of Sunwind JC

  • Phancy - UKC BIS, UKC-Ch & AKC Grand Champion and DC CharmedWons Phlash of Bling OA OAJ RA SC FCh HIC CGC VCX (CHIC)

  • Phaedra - Multi-BIF, UKC-Ch & AKC FC CharmedWons Betcha I Can MC CD RN SGRC FCh JOR CGC

  • Phinnian - CharmedWons Becomes A Legend JC (major pointed)

Litter 2 (Jan 14, 2008)

  • Phalcon - UKC-Ch & AKC Ch CharmedWons Happy-Go-Lucky JC RN CGC BN

Litter 3 (July 5, 2010)

  • Phelix - MBIF, BIE, UKC-Ch & AKC DC CharmedWons Heart of Freedom RLP, RN, RL1, RL2, RL1X, W-FD/MF, CW-SR, CW-ZR1, CGC, QC, FCh, SC

  • Phigaro - CharmedWons American Patriot

  • Phiona - CharmedWons Lady Liberty

  • Cairo - CharmedWons Rockets Red Glare

  • Phantasy - CharmedWons Liberty N Justice for All

  • Phranklin - CharmedWons National Treasure (pointed)

Litter 4 (May 13, 2011)

  • Phlair - CharmedWons Secret Admirer (pointed)

  • Phloke - CharmedWons Secret Agent

Litter 5 (December 20, 2013)

  •  Pherrari - CharmedWons Phuture Flash of Sunwind (pointed)

  •  Phox - CharmedWons Back to the Phuture

  •  Phaiza - CharmedWons Glorious Phuture

  •  Phatale - CharmedWons Phuture Fille Fatale V BlackHorse (major pointed)

  •  Phendi - CharmedWons Phuture Phasionista

  •  Phortune - Multi-Group Placing, AKC Ch CharmedWons Phuture Phortune Cookie

  •  Phizz - CharmedWons Phuture Effervescent Morning Star

  •  Nuit - CharmedWons ???


     My dogs that have crossed the Rainbow Bridge:

  • Phantom - CKC Field Trial Show Best In Show, UKC Champion, AKC Dual Champion Sovrin Tut's Noble Phantom SC FCh SOR SORC SGRC ORM SRM CGC

  • Phlower - CharmedWons Forget-Me-Not

  • Sassy CGC TDI (German Shepherd/? mixed breed)

  • Phreddie - CharmedWons Secret Thought



What do all the letters mean?


AKC = American Kennel Club                        

UKC = United Kennel Club                      

CKC = Canadian Kennel Club

CSFA = Canadian Sighthound Field Association

AOM = Award of Merit (from Specialties)

Dual Champion = Conformation and Lure Coursing Champions

FCh (as a suffix) = ASFA Field Champion

FC (as a prefix) = AKC Field Champion

BIF = Best In Field (can be AKC or ASFA)

JC = Junior Courser                                      

SC = Senior Courser

JOR = Junior Oval Racer                               

SOR = Senior Oval Racer

GRC = Gazehound Racing Champion (straight racing)                          

SGRC = Superior Gazehound Racing Champion

ORC = Oval Racing Champion                                                                                    

SORC = Superior Oval Racing Champion

SRM = Straight Racer of Merit (Canada)                                                                     

ORM = Oval Racer of Merit (Canada)

RN = Rally Novice

RA = Rally Advanced

NA = Novice Agility

NAJ = Novice Agility Jumpers

OA = Open Agility

OAJ = Open Agility Jumpers

HIC = Herding Instinct Certification - basic herding instinct

CGC = Canine Good Citizen

TDI = Therapy Dog International

Field Trial Best In Show = Conformation BIS for those hounds that receives a qualifying score in lure coursing earlier that day or the previous day

RPN = Rally Puppy Novice

This site was last updated 06/02/15